    Seminar Title資訊價值體系中的電子出版
    Published date1996-11-07
    Seminar Name資訊價值體系中的電子出版
    Seminar Name OtherWhat Price for Electronic-Publishing Within the Fabric of Information Value
    All Author邱炯友
    The Unit Of The Conference淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系
    Publisher世新圖書資訊系; 國家圖書館; 行政院國家科學委員會;臺北市:世界新聞傳播學院圖書資訊學系
    Meeting Name「二十一世紀資訊科學與技術的展望」國際學術研討會=International Conference on Information Science and Technology: Perspectives in the 21st Century
    Meeting Place臺北市, 臺灣
    Summary「資訊」所具有的抽象意義在其商品價值定位上始終存在著爭議。資訊唯有在被物化後才能形成資訊商品和價格。換言之,其經濟性產生於商品的生產與一切活動,資訊商品反映了資訊價值體系下,藉由市場規律所造就出的附加價值,而非資訊本身之價值實體。資訊本身無價;而資訊商品才有價。問題是:明顯為資訊商品的「電子出版品」自然具備著商業特質;卻也不能否認電子出版與一般傳統出版活動同樣具備文化本質。因此,在介於有價與無價、文化與商業的交集中,電子出版之內涵置於資訊價值體系下的考量更值得深思。就出版的商業本質而言,光碟與網路出版界早已展現出市場價格機制。相關電子出版品之界說、訂價政策、市場、與經濟因素的論述在在證明「電子出版」依存於資訊價值體系中的獨立與獨特性。;The term, "Information", under the commercial value has been separated from what is concrete and given rise to controversy. Information is not power before becoming a need in the material world. It means that the economic value is often an accompaniment of the trade and the products. By itself, information as a trade goods shows no value but the reproduced (or the added) value in a market. Indeed, it is priceless for information. But the information merchandise do have real value. The world of information value is far more comprehensive than the actual world of electronic publishing. However, the problem is that electronic publications do naturally possess either the commercial features or cultural links. Accordingly, it is worthy to have a thought of electronic publishing progress in the information value system. We have to analyze the purposes for which CD-ROM and network publishing has been commercialized and the uses to which that information value has been put. Within this context, definitions and scope, a spectrum of the pricing structure, and market value of electronic-publishing and so on was explored. It obviously appear that electronic publishing is an independent and also a unique activity with information value.
    Keyword資訊價值;電子出版;圖書業;競爭分析;光碟;Information Value;Electronic Publishing;Book Industry;Competitive Analysis;Optical Disk
    Use LangChinese
    Included in
    Nature Of The Meeting國際
    On-campus Seminar Location
    Seminar Time19961107~19961109
    Corresponding Author
    Open Call for Papers
    Publication style
    Provenance「二十一世紀資訊科學與技術的展望」國際學術研討會論文集=Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Science and Technology: Perspectives in the 21st Century,頁237-255