    Seminar Title使用期刊文獻的新典範: 從uncover及uncover2系統談起
    Published date1995-06-24
    Seminar Name使用期刊文獻的新典範: 從uncover及uncover2系統談起
    Seminar Name OtherNew Paradigm for Using Periodical Literature: Uncover and Uncover2
    All Author黃鴻珠
    The Unit Of The Conference淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系
    Meeting Name第三屆英語文教學研究與電腦資訊研討會=The Third Conference of English Teaching/Research and Computer Information
    Meeting Place臺北市, 臺灣
    SummaryLibrary catalog, union catalog, index, abstract, table of contents, selective dissemination of information and document delivery service are the indispensable tools and services for using periodical literature. Traditionally, they are produced and provided by individual library, indexing and abstracting institute and information provider respectively. From 1988, CARL System Inc. began to integrate all of them in one system and named UnCover and UnCover2. This innovation is very successful and becomes a new paradigm for processing and using periodical literature. This article describes the innovation.
    Keyword期刊文獻;電腦網路;文件傳遞服務;線上檢索;資訊檢索系統;Periodical Literature;Computer Network;Document Delivery Service;Online Retrieval;Information Retrieval System;Uncover;Uncover 2
    Use LangChinese
    Included in
    Nature Of The Meeting國內
    On-campus Seminar Location
    Seminar Time19950624~19950624
    Corresponding Author
    Open Call for Papers
    Publication style
    Provenance第三屆英語文教學研究與電腦資訊研討會論文集=A Collection of Papers Presented in the Third Conference of English Teaching/Research and Computer Information,頁13-28