    Seminar Title數位內容格式轉換系統—從SCORM 數位教材到EPUB 數位出版品
    Published date2013-05-01
    Seminar Name數位內容格式轉換系統—從SCORM 數位教材到EPUB 數位出版品
    Seminar Name Other
    All Author張玄菩; 邱翊; 洪浩容
    The Unit Of The Conference淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系
    Meeting Name
    Meeting Place
    Summary近來電子書資源與應用藉由電子閱讀器的普及快速地席捲人們日常生活與閱讀習慣,也改變了傳統出版業的生態環境,數位閱讀嚴然已經成為一股不可抵檔的未來趨勢,因此從何產生優質的數位出版品內容即成為一個重要的議題。事實上在數位學習的發展與成果中,目前已經累積相當多的優秀教材與內容,但這些教材內容大多儲存在教材儲藏庫(Learning Object Repository)或學習平台(Learning Management System)中,由於在教材的設計與執行上必須搭配特定的學習環境與規範管理,因此在內容使用度上與能見度上都受限於平台的建置與策略的規範;另一方面,同樣是數位內容的電子書只要有電子閱讀器就能隨時隨地享受閱讀的學習與樂趣。從內容的權威性與嚴謹度來看,許多數位學習的內容教材往往也是教師集成個人教學與研究之心血,在未來個人出版的趨勢與機會下,以個人數位出版品呈現會是未來教師另一個具體成就的表現。因此本研究提出一個數位學習教材與數位出版品的格式轉換系統,可將符合SCORM 標準的數位學習內容教材快速轉換成符合EPUB 標準的數位出版品,從內容呈現的轉換(Content Presentation)、元資料(Metadata)的轉換、閱讀編序與導覽(Sequencingand Navigation)的轉換和內容包裝(Content Packaging)的轉換等四個格式面向來開發此系統,期望將優質的數位學習內容(SCORM)也能以數位出版品(EPUB)的方式更加為使用者所利用與散布。;The resources and applications about ebook have been changing the ways people read and get books, the rules and concepts of publication are significantly changed as well. Therefore, an important issue we have to face consequentially is how to rapidly produce valuable digital publications. In fact, there have been a lot of excellent e-learning contents produced and stored as SCORM format in repositories or learning management systems. But unlike the convenience of enjoying ebooks with a reader, these excellent learning contents have much more complicated design issues and have to be put on specific learning systems due to the requirements of learning objects’ sharing, tracing, conformance, etc. In addition, these excellent learning contents were normally produced by highly qualified teachers who devote their professional knowledge to benefiting learners. We hope that these valuable contents can be more widely distributed and easily enjoyed as general ebooks for more people. As a result, we propose a converter which is able to convert SCORM compliant 2 learning contents to EPUB ebooks. The research details the convert process including the four modules; Presentation Transforming Module, Metadata Transforming Module, Sequencing and Navigation Transforming Module and Packaging Transforming Module. We look forward to seeing the converter facilitating the exchange and distribution of excellent digital content.
    KeywordSCORM;EPUB;格式轉換;數位教材;數位出版品;Converter;Digital publication
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