    Seminar Title國際數位博物館與圖書館的發展趨勢
    Published date2005-10-19
    Seminar Name國際數位博物館與圖書館的發展趨勢
    Seminar Name OtherTrends in international virtual museums and digital libries
    All Author宋雪芳; Song, Sheue-Fang
    The Unit Of The Conference淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系
    Meeting Name博物館與圖書館的對話研討會
    Meeting Place臺北市, 臺灣
    Summary電腦網路科技的快速突破成長,引領全球走進數位時代。圖書館與博 物館也在近幾年打破了過去許多服務上的原則與禁鋼,快步邁向資料 內容原件數位化的虛擬服務世界。蛻變過程中兩者互通有無、資源共享、產生史無前例的大合作,本文就這數位時代圖書館與博物館間的變遷趨勢做一探討。就當代博物館發展大勢而論,讓博物館與圖書館有一套好的合作機制,來策動豐沛的社會資源。在創意經營管理上,有一套軌跡可循,使博物館與圖書館更為多元化和精緻化。;This paper provides an overview of trend in the field of virtual museums and digital libraries in the world. Find that virtual museums and digital libraries have much in common.The digital environment will enhance and extend the traditional museums and libraries expenence. Sharing approach between the museums and libraries would be beneficial and excellent.
    Keyword數位內容;數位博物館;數位圖書館;公共資訊環境;Digital Content;Virtual Museums;Digital Libraries;Common Information Environment
    Use LangChinese
    Included in
    Nature Of The Meeting國內
    On-campus Seminar Location
    Seminar Time20051019~20051020
    Corresponding Author
    Open Call for PapersY
    Publication style紙本
    Provenance博物館與圖書館的對話研討會論文集=Dialogue between Museums and Libraries,頁179-198