    Seminar TitleAdaptive pocket SCORM reader
    Published date2004-06-27
    Seminar NameAdaptive pocket SCORM reader
    Seminar Name Other
    All AuthorShih, Timothy K.; Lin, Nigel H.; Chang, Hsuan-pu; Huang, Kuan-hao
    The Unit Of The Conference淡江大學資訊工程學系
    PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    Meeting NameMultimedia and Expo, 2004. ICME '04. 2004 IEEE International Conference on
    Meeting PlaceTaipei, Taiwan
    SummaryPocket devices are dominated in size which makes them the perfect platform for mobile learning. Several researches propose how distance education can be realized on pocket devices. We demonstrate the implementation of the adaptive pocket SCORM (scalable content object reference model) reader. Our proposed pocket SCORM reader is able to load SCORM compatible courseware. Furthermore, we introduce our ideal pocket SCORM architecture. With the proposed architecture, we hope to realize SCORM compliant mobile learning.
    KeywordPocket PC; PDA; SCORM; Distance Education
    Use LangChinese
    Included in
    Nature Of The Meeting國際
    On-campus Seminar Location
    Seminar Time20040627~20040630
    Corresponding Author
    Open Call for Papers
    Publication style
    ProvenanceMultimedia and Expo, 2004. ICME '04. 2004 IEEE International Conference on (Volume:1 ), pp.325-326