    Title概念導向閱讀教學 (CORI) 對國中生閱讀投入影響之研究
    Publish Date2017/12/31
    Journal Name概念導向閱讀教學 (CORI) 對國中生閱讀投入影響之研究
    Journal Name OtherA Research of Effects upon Reading Engagement Using CORI in Middle School in Taiwan
    All Author陳昭珍、林吟燕、陳雅萍、高榛澧、張羽芳、梁鴻栩
    Volume圖書資訊學研究 12(1),頁37-78
    Summary閱讀投入(reading engagement)是影響學習表現和閱讀能力的重要因素,閱讀投入度愈高,閱讀成就及在校成績愈高。閱讀投入包括閱讀動機、閱讀行為與閱讀策略三個面向。概念導向閱讀教學(CORI)是美國國家閱讀研究中心(NRRC)所發展的閱讀教學框架,希望利用此框架引導學生投入閱讀,從提高動機開始,進而強化閱讀策略的使用。 CORI 在美國已被證明是可提升學生閱讀投入的教學法,但 對以升學為目標的台灣國中生是否也有效,教師及學生對此種深度閱讀教學模式的反應如何,是值得研究的問題。因此,本研究以準實驗研究設計,邀請兩位兩所國中教師,由同一位教師進行實驗組及控制組之閱讀教學,實驗組採用 CORI閱讀教學,控制組採一般常用的閱讀策略教學。教學實施前後,以問卷調查學生的閱讀投入度,實驗結束後也訪談兩位教師,瞭解學生的反應及教師的教學心得。研究結果發現,實施八週 CORI 閱讀教學後,在閱讀動機整體構面,實驗組顯著優於控制組,但在閱讀行為及閱讀策略方面未達顯著差異。此外根據教師的觀察,發現學生對於 CORI 這種探索式課程感到有趣,但由於學生對於初次接觸的策略不熟悉,在閱讀策略的運用上,稍有挫折感,不過會將所學到的策略應用於後來的學習。 Reading engagement is an important factor that influences student's reading performance and reading ability. Students with higher degree of reading engagement perform higher learning achievement. Reading engagement contains three aspects: reading motivation, reading behavior and reading strategies. Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) is a reading instructional framework developed by the National Reading Research Center (NRRC). This framework is aimed to encourage students’ reading engagement, inspiring reading motivation first and then strengthening the use of learning strategies. Research studies in the United States have shown the effectiveness of CORI on deepening students’ reading engagement. However, this study is interested in whether CORI has the same effect in the examination-dominated culture as in Taiwan. This study took quasi-experimental design. Two teachers from different junior high schools participated in this study. Each of them taught experiment group and control group in their school. CORI was conducted in experiment class and reading strategy pedagogy in control class. Reading engagement questionnaires were distributed before and after the experiment. Both participated teachers were interviewed after the experiment to collect students’ reaction and teachers’ reflection. This study shows that, after eight weeks, the experiment group is superior to control group in reading motivation with statistical significance. However, there is no statistical significant difference in reading behavior and reading strategies. According to teachers’ observation, students enjoyed and were interested in inquiry teaching like CORI. Though felt frustrated in the application of reading strategies at the beginning, they soon learned how to applied strategies in later learning.
    Keyword概念導向閱讀教學;閱讀投入;閱讀動機;閱讀行為;閱讀策略;Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction;CORI;Reading engagement;Reading motivation;Reading behavior;Reading strategy
    Use LangChinese
    Included in,TSSCI,Other
    Open Call for Papers